Por Mario Covalski
Con este conjunto de fotos comparto con el lector mi experiencia con el modelo agregando muchos detalles faltantes, no todos, pintando piezas y aplicando técnicas de modelismo plástico para mejorar el aspecto de este costoso modelo. Además solucionando algunos problemas que tiene el kit y mostrando tips y trucos para mejorar o facilitar el armado del mismo.
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Building and detailing the IXO Peugeot 205GTI 1/8 scale Espanol English
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Building and detailing the
Ixocollections Peugeot 205GTI
1/8 scale |
by Mario Covalski © Modeler Site
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With this photo array (one picture says more than thousand words sometimes) I share with the reader my experience with the model adding many missing details, not all, painting parts and applying plastic modelling techniques to improve the appearance of this expensive model. Also solving some problems that the kit has and showing tips and tricks to improve or facilitate its assembly.
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