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Revell have going on offering Super cars and luxury reproductions in 1/24 scale, this article will be about the Porsche Panamera Turbo. I’ll not extend in a complete kit review , however every time I open a Revell box, the first things I examine are: the bodywork, the brakes and wheels. For these last ones, it must be recognized that Revell have improved them. The wheels size is correct and not undersized as it happened at times, besides they are molded in a single part. What still doesn’t’ like me is the chromed they’re provided with, lack of realism and adds extra work to the modeller. Unfortunately, the brakes are not well represented. This tutorial aims at showing with images the steps I followed to correct the problems and get the finished model.
For the bodywork, Revell represented well the shapes of this great sedan. Unfortunately, the mold from doesn’t supply a well defined and clean part, and some volumes are not sufficiently marked, as instance, the doors and bumpers. The ventilation openings of the front fenders are not perforated as in the real car. |

The engraving of the bodywork is not well marked, poorly defined and invisible in certain places. And as it happens very often, the bodywork has a lot of plastic depression on the flat surfaces. A defect that will be visible once the bodywork is completely sanded.
Summing up, those who have built Revell kits know all these weak points, though I recognize that the Panamera body seems worse than the Porche 918 I built before.
Surely, when reading these lines, everything may look catastrophic, but it’s just a little extra work and replacing the wheels as I did (although it’s not a must) the final result is excellent and beautiful.
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