By Allon Kira
The kit released on 2011, as expected from a Tamiya's, has a very good parts fit and is easy to build, very accurate and requires almost no putty. Some aftermarket details slightly upgrade the overall look, but are not really necessary. It can certainly be built directly out of the box at the highest level. The only thing that seemed problematic to me were the vinyl tracks. I considered replacing them with metal ones, but after painting I decided that their level of detail was enough.
By Pablo Raggi
Looking for new variants of Sherman used in the Middle East and reading the book “Israeli Sherman” by Thomas Gannon, I found out that my next challenge was to make an Israelí Super Sherman. Called by the Israelis Sherman M1 (as all their early Shermans), this is the most well known M4A1 big batch. Actually, in current days is quite simple to make a worthy M4A1, just by choosing among the versions from Tasca or improving the ones from Dragon or Italeri. As I had one from Italeri waiting for me, I decided to start my project and, of course, I was not going to build it straight from the box.