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On several occasions, when surfing around internet, I saw the Fujimi Greedy 9 on sale. To be honest, the tuning aspect of the art box showing this magnificent green Mazda RX-7, tempted me more than once, but it didn’t get me very excited cause in the short description of the kit, I realized that this is one of those models which doesn’t feature a detailed engine, and this is exactly, what I like, to get detailed engines. But, in the end, that tempting picture of the box really convinced me, thus I ordered it.
Fujimi have one of the most extensive catalogues in which we, western buyers, may find real oddities, and in general, at very good prices.
The kit comprises a small amount of parts, doesn’t feature details for the engine indeed and the bonnet is in closed position. Overall, details are extremely basic and don’t match to the real thing. This is quite evident when speaking about the rear lower spoiler which doesn’t look real at all and the nose that besides of its bad fit, is completely different to the one in the real car. |

Nevertheless, it’s not my intention to make Fujimi products look bad, since this brand offer kits with a very high level of details. Perhaps those missing details of the Greedy 9, are because the model was thought for the 1/24 slot car fans.
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