How to submit an article
By Modeler Site
How to submit an article
How to submit an article to Modeler Site
Do you want to belong to our staff, by writing articles for us?, do you want to show your models in the best virtual magazine?, in English and Spanish, please contact us right now!

Anyone may submit articles for consideration. We are always interested in seeing material from new writers, although sometimes we "assign" or commission articles. First and foremost, we like how-to material; how-to paint, how-to scratchbuild... etc. Basically, our readers want to know how to make their own models better. Therefore, any help or advice you can offer is what modelers want to read.
Features on your own modeling projects also make worth article topics. A step-by-step write-up with clear, close-up photos can relay techniques and shortcuts to other modelers. Texts should be typed in DOC, TXT or just in an email body to be sent to us. A 2000 -3000 words article is good enough to fill a cover note, but you only could write comments for a step by step article using photos you have taken during building. We will make any correction, if necessary.
Photo quality and content are very important when considering an article for publication. Often an otherwise good article must be rejected because of poor photo quality. Captions for photos should also be included.
If you plan on doing a how-to article, make sure to take pictures during the actual building of the project. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to write and photograph a how-to article after the model has been completed. These photos should be taken on a plain background; light blue, blue or white are good enough. Also, the more photos you send, taken from a variety of views, the better choice we have in putting together an outstanding article layout. Send us more photos than you would ever possibly imagine we could use. This permits us to pick and chose the best of the bunch. Too many is always better than too few.
Subjects should be photographed using the highest-quality JPEG setting on your camera.. Only JPEG will be received.
Images should not be corrected for color, sharpness, or cropping. Image files should be raw and un-manipulated, just download them from your camera and send them to us. Preferred method of submission is in an email, like attachment. Ask for help to us in case you have a slow internet connection.
Finally the contributors will be able to follow posting pictures...etc in forums which they use to visit.
All the material have to be send to: Editor >