By Steve Desarzens
I’ve always been a huge fan of “Back To The Future” movies. When I discovered that a Japanese brand I didn’t know the name before had manufactured a kit of the famous Delorean, I had to buy it!. I built the kit following more or less the instructions sheet from Aoshima. The first stage was to place the system that allows the model to fold its wheels. Even if I built the Delorean of the first film, Aoshima has manufactured the kit in different versions according to the films. In the second movie, the Delorean can fold its wheels and turn into an hovercraft. The system is quite clever but once the wheels are stuck, they don’t put very flat on the ground. Therefore, I decided to glue the wheels definitely so as they won’t move when I handle the kit.
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Delorean BTTF 1 Aoshima – 1/24
Delorean BTTF 1
Aoshima – 1/24
by Steve Desarzens © Modeler Site
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