By Fabian Vera
The "Corsair", considered the best World War II naval fighter by many, served admirably not only in its country of origin but also in many other nations. Argentina was one of the countries to use this airplane. Though Argentina intended to buy AD1 or AD3 Skyraiders, the ban imposed by the USA prevented the purchase by the Argentine government from being performed and finally, a larger number of F4U in different versions were bought: the 5, 5N and 5NL. These airplanes served in the Argentine Navy from mid-1957 to the end of 1965.
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Building the F4U-5NL Argentine Corsair from a Hasegawa kit - 1/48 scale
Building the F4U-5NL Argentine Corsair from a Hasegawa kit - 1/48 scale
by Fabian Vera © 2002 Modeler Site
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