By Mario Covalski
I know that we're talking about kits that were manufactured 25 years ago, but oh God... what kits! I think that modeling in general has lost a lot without kits of these characteristics. There were attempts from Hasegawa, Fujimi, and Otaki in the big scale (1/12), trying to present kits with the same quality, not to forget Doyusha, but none of them had the "life" of Tamiya's Porsches; maybe there is an exception, the Lancia Stratos manufactured by Otaki for Nitto; this kit is currently marketed by Doyusha, but we'll talk about this model in a future note.
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Tamiya Porsches 934 and 935 1:12 scale
Featuring the Tamiya Porsches, 934, 935 and variants - 1/12 scale
by Mario Covalski © Modeler Site |
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