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This kit is typical Revell with 10 sprues that contain around 100 parts. The parts that comprise the interior are injected in red plastic. Like the Superamerica, it comes with a separate hood to leave the engine visible. I’m afraid the weak point of the kit are the low quality over chromed parts.
Vinyl tyres with realistic tread and waterslide decals complete the details. The aim of this article is to share with the reader my experience in the construction of this model, with some tips to improve it. |

The first impression of the body discourages and one doubts to go ahead cause the panel lines are not well molded, however with some work re-scribing them and sanding, this will be fixed.
Though the hood comes separately, I decided to glue it as well as I did in the Superamerica. This saved me several problems such as the fit when placing the headlights and also with the hinges which will make the painting and final assembly easier.
Back to the panel lines, they were re- scribed with the back edge of a blade, but have in mind that plastic is too soft, so proceed with care!. Usually, I would use a special tool, but I wanted to try getting a narrower engraving which is not possible with the tool I usually use. In this way, the panel lines would be less notorious in the body that would be painted yellow.
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