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Well who saw this coming? Right out of the blue Wingnut Wing enter centre stage with no less than four original releases and all in 1/32 scale, incredible . When this company first appeared last year there was no fanfare or announcements, they just open a first class web site and sat back to see what happens. I can imagine the enjoyment they got seeing the surprise and amazement this created. For this article I chose the SE 5 from the four models available, reason being this one is the simplest to build and paint.
The kit molding is exceptional, especially the refined stitching along the wing tapes. Also we have a choice of fuselage options one pair having a pronounced fabric wrinkle effect and the other without, both styles appear in photographs from that period.

Another decision has to be made which of the five decal schemes to go for, in this case I went with option A, Lt. T.V. Lord no particular reason other than I wanted this model to have a four bladed propeller and not from a training unit.
Prior to any model build I always study the plans to avoid any pitfalls. Except these are in full colour and include close up pictures of the actual aircraft throughout to build, a helpful touch.
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