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At times being involved in the construction of complicated kits and very detailed projects means much time consuming and makes us lose fun or dispel enthusiasm. In order to recover those feelings, I decided to involve myself in the build of this IDF Dodge WC51. I’ll not speak a lot about this well known kit of excellent quality. Recommended not only for experienced modelers but also for beginners, an easy to build kit which really was built for pure fun.
At first I thought I would build it straight from the box with no improvements but once I started I felt motivated and changed my mind.
I didn’t worry about the definitive shape of the model; the IDF got these vehicles since the end of 40’s and suffered a lot of modifications (even the body was removed to make the Bambi, a kind of AFV!). Israel purchased lots of other Dodge models, and the reference pictures I looked at encouraged me to write this article. |

The assembly was accomplished in different subassemblies and it was a great surprise as it was pretty straightforward.
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