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Once the model was finished, I realized about the importance of having good reference material and how this is essential to get good results. I would be glad to send everyone who needs some pictures. I used Tamiya acrylics for all the painting job except for the body. First of all, the grilles were washed with soapy water while flashes and mold marks were removed from parts.
Engine and suspension arms
I started modifying all the rear suspension arms, (also the front suspension) replacing the supports which go attached to the engine with new ones I scratchbuilt, cutting three small pieces from a 0,5mm plasticard which were joined, cyano glued and filed to shape (a pity that they are not too visible once the model is finished).

Another way to do this, is to use the supports coming with the kit and using a fine file or a saw blade for metals to hollow the groove.
Anyway, I think and really found it easier and amusing to make them from scratch.
Once finished, I made a hole with a 0,5mm drill to which when assembled, I would add a pin made out of wire of the same diameter.
Next, I painted the front and rear supports with X1, the rest with X32 according to my references.
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