By Pablo Raggi
Several years ago when MIG Productions introduced into the market the first Land Cruiser(s) and they shattered the preconception that a 1/35 is a military vehicle to a 1/35 vehicle which could be used either as a civil vehicle or for military purposes, I was desperate to get a couple. I purchased the BJ44 (ref # MP35-138) with the recoilless gun (ref #MP 35-141). When opening the boxes, I found beautiful and well represented kits, however as it always happens, these resin projects use to rest on the shelves for some time without being touched. I was recently taking a look at my list of kits (yes, I’m so nerd that I’ve an Excel list with the status of each kit) and I discovered the technicals in the column of “ unbuilt kits”
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Mig Productions Toyota Land Cruiser BJ44 1:35 scale
Building the Toyota Land Cruiser BJ44 Mig Productions 1/35 scale |
by Pablo Raggi © Modeler Site
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