By Patricio Delfosse
The PaK 43 is the natural evolution of the Flak 36 adapted for its anti tank role. A number of armored vehicles also carried versions of this gun, under different designations, including: heavy tank Tiger II (KwK 43 L/71), self-propelled gun Nashorn (PaK 43/1), as well as tank destroyers Ferdinand/Elefant (PaK 43/2) and Jagdpanther (PaK 43/3 and 43/4).
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Building an improving the Pak 43/41 (ref #35059) AFV Club 1/35 scale
Building an improving the Pak 43/41 (ref #35059)
AFV Club 1/35 scale
by Patricio Delfosse © Modeler Site
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