By Pablo Raggi
As I usually build vehicles used in Middle East conflicts, when I purchased this SU-100, I chose to build the Egyptian version captured by the British forces during the Operation Musketeer, headed by British Army General Charles Keightley, it was conducted in October 1956 in coordination with the Israeli armored thrust into the Sinai, which was called Operation Kadesh.. Egypt's government, led by President Nasser, was seeking political control over the Suez canal. This Egyptian decision produced a conflict of interests with the British French allies who sent troops towards Port Said and saw combat with the few Egyptian armored units. The Egyptian vehicles were T-34/85, SU-100 and JS-3M, all of them were almost new.....
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Improving the Ferrari 312B
Improving the el SU-100 Dragon #6075 1/35 scale
by Pablo Raggi © Modeler Site
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