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The BTR were developed after the American M3 and the German SdKfz 251, and played a role similar to those Armored Personnel Carriers. It’s simple concept of construction helped to save time on the development, the Soviet used the standard Zil-157 and mounted an armoured structure. This was the first wheeled armoured personnel carrier to enter service in the immediate post-war period in 1951. The BTR-152 saw action with the Egyptian army in the 1956 Middle East conflict, and was also used by the PLO in the Lebanon, and many were captured or destroyed by the Israeli army in the 1982 'Peace for Galilee' operation.
The version I chose to represent one of these vehicles, is the one I found in a picture of the book Soviet Armor Wheeled Vehicles from Concord Editorial.
There, I could see two BTR-152 arrived at Syria during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. I guess they’re new since they don’t have the typical hand painted markings, as can be seen in others pictures from the ’73 and ’82.
In the picture there is another BTR-152 captured which has two interesting markings: the numeral and the divisional marking painted on the mudguard.
The idea was then to make a two tone vehicle belonging to the Syrian Army of the mid ‘70 but with the numerals placed as in the second picture of the book.
Anyway, the point was not which version to choose but to assemble the kit…
The Kit
The Skif (ref #210) is a bad kit, lacks of details and difficult to assemble. Unfortunately, this is the only option available in the market to build this vehicle, so there’s no other chance that taking it as base to build a decent BTR-152.
Basically, I used the chassis as base for my work, making again nearly the whole superstructure and minor details. |

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