By Pablo Martelli
The idea to build this truck came to my mind after looking at a picture. No sooner had I seen it, I knew that I needed to have this model among my collection of desert trucks. Regrettably, manufacturers don’t pay too much attention to trucks and even less if they are British ones. Fortunately, Tamiya make things easier, since this truck shares some parts with the 35045 Quad Gun Tractor. Starting from this kit, and, with some simple scratchbuilt tricks, we’ll get a scale reproduction of the model in the picture that kept me awake.
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Building the Ford F60L Scratch / Tamiya 35045 Quad gun tractor 1/35 scale
Building the Ford F60L Scratch / Tamiya 35045 Quad gun tractor 1/35 scale |
by Pablo Martelli © Modeler Site
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