By Gregory Hansel
When my friends Branden and Joan bought an 07 300C a few months ago, I thought it would be a nice surprise for Joan (the primary driver of the car) to present them with a scale replica of their new ride. I worked with Branden to get the information I needed such as color, interior colors and trim. The only limitation I had was that the AMT kit was an 05, not an 07 but the differences are minor so I went with it. During our discussions he said he wanted larger wheels but Joan didn’t. I asked if he wanted me to build a second car to his specifications and like that, I was building two. I then decided I couldn’t build these two cars and ship them off to my friend leaving me with nothing but pictures so I decided I may as well build three and keep one for myself....
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Building the Chrysler 300Cs a guide for newcomers AMT 1/25
Building the Chrysler 300Cs a guide for newcomers
AMT 1/25 scale |
by Gregory Hansel © Modeler Site
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