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What exactly is -or was- a Caproni Stipa?. The simila similaribus curator principle of homeopathic medicine states -don't correct me if I'm wrong- that a similar substance heals a similar illness. Hence we can assume that Count Caproni, famed for his bias toward extremely "innovative" designs (do you, by any chance, know about his triplane hydroplane?) associated with Mr. Luigi Stipa in order to get cured. Did it work? We'll see.
We could say that the Caproni Stipa was a gigantic flying Venturi tube. Or a flying hollowed barrel. Or a plane built around emptiness. Whatever way you may like to conceptualize it, you must admit that is a very beautiful thing, if you are so inclined.
In a sudden strike of enlightenment I realized that was very unlikely that any manufacturer, no matter how mad or desperate, would ever tackle this plane. So I decided to go for my first scratch project ever, knowing that once I had my model finished, then some manufacturer will surely produce a kit of the thing, as Murphy well knows.
Internet provided images and a set of plans which I adjusted to 1/72 scale. Patterns were cut and the project started. A quick trip to the hardware store produced a PVC pipe of 1 inch of ID and somewhat thick walls. I must say that I have now enough supply to make hundreds of Stipas' tubular fuselages.

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