I got this model back in the 90s for less than 100 US dollars. Although I do not have the “Perfect Parts” detail set for this model, I purchased the Thunder Valley Essentials detail set, which is two photo etched frets, a resin airbox, aluminum funnels, a pack of different pieces of aluminum, clear tubing and shrink tubing.
Editor note: the Perfect Parts set, it was a detail set made early in 2000 and discontinued now. It had a lot of detail parts. You can find a full tutorial about a suprdetailed Tamiya Ferrari 641 using this set, plus a lot more. here. https://www.modelersite.com/en/80/superdetailing-the-tamiya-ferrari-641-1-12-scale-revised-with-new-pictures
What is not supplied with this kit is photo etched nuts to place over the holes in the photo etched parts. I also used the following parts
Thunder Valley Formula Perfect super kit for Ferrari 641/2
Top Studio TD23040 photo etched nuts.
Spindles from Thunder Valley which require some modification to the stock rotors supplied with the kit.
RB Motion Electrical connectors, (types 1800, 1801, 1807 and 1808)
RB Motion banjo fittings and some detail nuts and bolts.
Marlboro decals from F1 Specialties.
Some different sizes of wire, Tamiya .50 and .65 plus some wire left in the parts box from past builds.
Some old Detail Master fittings and braided line.
Hobby Design H connectors to make the spark plugs / coil packs.
I started with the engine block, painted according to the instructions and then adding the little metal pieces where the suspension arms will be fitted.
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