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Because of the unbelievable size and the never completed prototype-phase, this vehicle was always on my wish list to build. But I just didn’t wanted to build a regular E-100 that have been seen plenty of times before – I like dirty paper-panzer with unusual features. So I decided to create a 1947 E-100 Aus. C fantasy tank in a “what-if” scenario. Therefore I was able to get the early Dragon 1/35 #6011 quite a while ago. Due to the fact that this kit celebrated its 20th birthday this year, my expectations into detail and quality were not too high. Nevertheless, Dragon made a got job two decades ago, but some parts had to be exchanged and complemented.
I’m also not a fan of the originally intended Maus-Turret, that comes with the kit. I much more prefer the turret design from Michael Rinaldi, which was released in the Trumpeter kit. Luckily I had the chance to get the upper half of this kit, so that I was able to compile both and start building. Additionally to the box-parts I bought an Aber-Etch-set, a Schatton 5,5cm FlaK-barrel and some various stuff from RB-Model like antennas and a machinegun barrel.
Beside the tank I also thought about a corresponding diorama. Something I always wanted to do was an industrial scenery. This topic would fit wonderfully into the What-if 1947 theme and a big amount of details could be created. But the building of this article will be featured in a next article. Here I will just go into detail of building and painting the E-100.
Due to the enormous size of the tank and the planned changes, the build took quite a while.
For most of the modifications are no reference-picture available and everything came just from my fantasy while building it. I always had a fable for extreme weathering and additional effect on the tank, sometimes far beyond what most modellers call “realistic”. But this was the perfect opportunity to push it to the limit by choosing the 1947 paper-tank scenario.
Besides the manufacturer feature that would come with a new tank, I wanted to create a heavily battled, field modified monster of a tank.
The built started straight from the box with the lower hull of the dragon kit. The assembly of the wheels and the undercarriage went without a problem. Only the turret aperture had to be widened because the Trumpeter turret is a little wider than the Maus-Turret. Dragon’s hull was intended to be fitted with the side-armour and as a result of this the details on the sides were very little. So I had to add the thickness of the front-glacier plate with some styrene sheet.
I also changed the barrel-parallel mounted machinegun to a 5,5cm FlaK. This seems to be more appropriate for a heavy tank like this - It also adds this certain Mad-Max character.
Most hinges, grips and eyelets have been replaced with metal-parts. Also all tool-brackets were exchanged to the ones from the Aber-Set. The other parts of this etch-fret were brought to a new use with adding extra stowage-boxes to the sides and on the back of the turret.
I also had to model a new texture to the surface because the 20 years old parts are flat as a mirror. Field modifications with additional skirts on the sides and armour on top were also added.
The painting went without any bigger problems but had to be done in many layers with different techniques to achive the intended effect of a worn battle-machine. I decided to use a quite unusual late-war paint-scheme with two different styles on hull and turret to add to the appearance of a veteran.
In the end, the weathering was put to an extreme – but this exactly what brings this specific model to life.
The build starts by assembling the lower hull with the running gear.
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