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Nowadays it can be a bit reiterative to write an article about the Panzer III history as there is one in every model magazine from time to time, and the web is saturated with them in every language for everyone who desires to read them. So I will concentrate in telling how I built and painted the model.
Several years ago Dragon decided to make again their Panzer III kits as they had a new kind of moulds that could inject the plastic from different sides and angles and thus make thinner and more delicate pieces. They thought that having this new technology it would be better to produce again the “classics” than any other newer ones and it seems that they were right as every modeller bought one…..or more. |

These new moulds were not the only new thing in these models, they had a set of tracks links already separated from the sprues ready to assemble, some photoetched metal parts and new decals.
As soon as I opened the box I had a very clear image of the kind of model I wanted to make, I had seen lots of photographs in the books, very dusty machines cramped with equipage that resembled old moving vans.
For this project I decided to use the Blackdog resin accessories set for the Panzer III that is really suitable and fits perfectly.
It isn’t complicated as the parts fit very well and the instructions are very clear, during the process we will only have to take care when handling the little parts to avoid breaking them or worst, loosing them. As my idea from the beginning was to represent a tank with the desert camouflage painting badly worn out, I painted the model with German Dark Grey colour as I built it to have this colour base for the later “soap painting” technique I would apply on the camouflage. So I built the chassis and the turret leaving aside the hatches, wheels, antenna rail, etc. mainly to easily paint the scratches with the brush or the sponge.
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