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For this article Ebbro provided me a test-shoot that’s to say a test of an injection mold, and there were no references about the year this DS model represented belonged to, so I started to look around the net for pictures that could help me. Looking at the body carefully and comparing with several photos, it was obvious that I had to make sure about certain points.
Another problem is that most of the pictures I found are of restored vehicles which don’t guarantee the accuracy of the original car and the old epoch pictures are not high quality ones.
On the other hand, the instruction manual supplied with the kit obviously was incomplete and the color references in the instructions, only mentioned two colors: aluminium for the engine and clear red for the taillights.
I also realized that Ebbro didn’t mention where some parts in the sprue, should be placed. Although is not serious cause this kit is a test shoot, I had no opportunity of consulting instructions of a production kit to know if these problems were already solved in the kit that is nowadays available.
Nevertheless, I made my best effort to build my DS and though surely I’ve made several mistakes and in spite of the disadvantage of the missing information of colors, I think the final result is a model that represents the spirit and aspect of this Citroen icon.
I propose you to read this unusual article where I share the work accomplished to build the scale model of this singular car too.
Too late…but not for you
After having published, in my Facebook page, a picture of my finished DS announcing the future article, a DS avid fan send me a note remarking a detail in the spare wheel. This observation led us to a very gratifying conversation, but it would have been better if it had taken place during the construction.
Although it was too late for me, the notes and information shared with this DS fan allowed me to add details to the text, so that other modelers can build a model as faithful as possible. So I thank to Marc Louvigné for letting me learn more about the DS.
In many pictures, the C pillars of the roof looked flat, but after finding high quality photos showing the DS19 from different angles, it was obvious that there were very thin lines present.
Ebbro have represented this detail very well, to match the real thing, but to make sure they would not be hidden under the paint, I decided to accentuate the lines by giving them more depth. Also other engraved areas were accentuated using the back edge of an X-acto blade. |

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