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The recent Canadian firm Mirror Models have started their catalogue with the many vehicles based on the C15 truck in 1/35 scale, with a very high quality plastic, resin and photoetched parts models that includes the Otter Mk.I
The plastic parts in the box are moulded in a light grey colour with no flaws, pin marks or broken parts, even when some of them are very delicate, so I would advice a bit of care when handling. The first time you see the instructions you may think “this is going to end up badly” as they are a very strange compilation of drawings and photographs made during the assembling, and they seem not to follow any particular order. |

Don’t worry, as you go along with the assembling you will get familiarized with them and you will realize that they were not as queer as they seemed. Just remember that the parts marked in red are not included in the kit.
Interpreting the instructions
I started with the frame, suspension and axles, as the instructions suggest, the plastic parts fit very well and the photoetched (PE) ones were easy to handle and fix so this part of the assembling gave me no problems at all.
I left the wheels aside to place them in the end so I could paint them comfortably. Although some of the parts are very delicate, mostly the resin and PE ones, they are well engineered so you can place them correctly with no effort, just a little patience.
When I reached the step six I got a bit confused, all the rest of the model assembling is suggested in four drawings and lots of photographs with no particular order. Here you will have to plan carefully what order you will want to follow as if you close the body too soon or you miss any detail of the interior you won’t be able to paint the inside correctly.
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