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I built the kit mostly from the box (as no aftermarket was available at the time). As the Drakens came to the end of their service life, the airframes started to look dirty and tired. I have attempted to capture this in the painting and weathering of my model. I hope this article will be useful for novices and advanced modelers as I made some mods and corrections to the kit showing how to do it.
A quick dry fit of the cockpit revealed a good level of detail. The left side looks a bit sparse, but more on that in a little while. The seat looked very plain (like most kit seats) and would need the most attention to bring it up to scratch. |

The cockpit from another angle. I was sure resin sets would be produced for this kit, however I didn’t want to wait for them. I guessed that with some good references I could make some small enhancements and get a good result.
Here we see the tub from the other side. According to my references, something would need to be done about the lack of detail of the left side near the throttle quadrant.
In accordance with my references (primary one was the Aerofax Minigraph #12), I used some plasticard and Reheat Models’ PE cockpit details to "busy up" the left side of the tub.
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