Advanced modeler Syndrome
By Mario Covalski
A couple of weeks ago, talking to a modeler, he told me that he was suffering from something that English- speaking modelers call AMS (advanced modeler syndrome); a kind of obsession that leads them to count even the rivets of each model to check if the number (and shape, of course) match to the real thing.
This impressed me deeply because, in spite of having heard about that before, I had never heard somebody, spontaneously, saying it aloud, and I believe, seriously.
My editorials are mere opinions, not facts scientifically proved, but after having built a lots of models, from the most simple ones using simple techniques up to the most complicated, having been overwhelmed by their scopes, and, seeing how this activity evolves, I can say that all of us will probably end suffering from this syndrome, and though, I said it kind of half serious half joking, at least it’s a good start to discuss and reflect on this.
Let me share with you some questions I asked myself:
-When did I build my last OOB model?
-When did I build my last model with no other references than the ones in the instruction manual?
-When was the last time I built a superdetailed model?
-When did I last give up building a model…cause I got tired of seeing it?
-When was the last time I built a model and enjoyed doing that, without caring about the final result, in terms of having to be shown in some way, say, in a contest, Internet, to other modeler friends…etc?
My own answers, as honest as possible, surprised me, there were a lot of coincidences among dates, showing a clear tendency: The more complicated things turn, the less pure pleasure we feel, and the quantity of models we build and projects also decrease.
I’m already hearing the protests, but have in mind that this wouldn’t be valid when speaking about newcomers who have devoted a few years (5 or less) to this activity or experienced….or master modelers to whom everything is straightforward. We’re speaking about the common modeler, middle aged male or female, who have been building models for many years, probably since their youth or early teens.
I'll leave to you the conclusion, I suggest this topic for discussion in the forum or by private email.
See you on next month!