A new face…
By Modeler Site
After more than six years displaying the same layout on our English and Spanish menus, we’ve tried a major change by offering you a new design which we consider more proper for the visitor requirements who nowadays browses around the Internet. This new layout has been developed in a more comprehensive way, showing you more information, and trying to please more of you more of the time, so all your comments and suggestions will be welcome.
I want to stand out that, accomplishing the current design, meant an extra effort, since besides preparing all the usual monthly work, we had to pour out many hours of work into all Modeler Site contents. This implies the high level of commitment we dedicate to Modelersite, which is not a week-end project for us, and is assumed with the seriousness and devotion our readers, contributors and sponsors deserve.
Whenever a modeller sends an article to MS, he receives as far as we can, so that his model and ideas are shown in such a way to make both, him and us, feel proud.
When a reader visits MS, he’ll get the experience of years of modeling, thousands of working hours from many modelers, and superb articles not so easily found in any other site or paper magazine. Along MS you’ll encounter many articles about subjects that were seldom shown, or at least, not in the way we use to develop them.
We wish that all this effort could make MS immensely enjoyable and be a must-visit Site, letting you feel, at the same time, the level of devotion and commitment we spend on this project thanks to your daily support.