By Juan Romero
The T-70 kit from MiniArt is a “Special Edition” called in this way by the manufacturer because it includes good quality PE to detail areas such as the grilles for the engine compartment. The kit is wholly plastic, without metal or resin parts and offers markings for nine tanks. Most of the options are overall Soviet Armor Green with a couple in white winter camo.
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The T-70 kit from MiniArt is a “Special Edition” called in this way by the manufacturer because it includes good quality PE to detail areas such as the grilles for the engine compartment. The kit is wholly plastic, without metal or resin parts and offers markings for nine tanks. Most of the options are overall Soviet Armor Green with a couple in white winter camo.
The decal sheet is well printed and offers a variety of turret numbers. Besides, it’s possible to build the “late” or “early” version of this light tank.
The details are fine and no marks were encountered. Previously, it was only available the Techmod kit very bad quality compared with this MiniArt edition. Based on the T-70 chassis, MiniArt also released the T-80 and the SU-76 self propelled gun. |

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