Armor |
Improving the 12.8cm Sf. L/61 (Pz.Sf.V) Sturer emil Trumpeter #00350,1/35 scale |
by Pablo Raggi © Modeler Site |
This note is offered in PDF format to be read or printed using Acrobat reader, contact our webmaster > Here Includes more than 123 pics, here we show only the text pages.
Esta Nota es ofrecida en formato PDF, el cual puede ser leído o impreso usando el Acrobat reader, contacte a nuestro webmaster > Aquí Incluye más de 123 imágenes, aquí solo mostramos las paginas de texto.
The kit
The big parts come in the box separately from the bags with the sprues. The tracks are good quality ones with a hollow central horn, something unusual to see in vinyl tracks. The instructions include 20 building steps plus a color paint scheme. This kit is one of those that you think you’ll never wish to build until some manufacturer introduce one injected in plastic, with good quality details and comparatively inexpensive…something nearly impossible. But Trumpeter made my wishes came true to perfection… Available aftermarket
This special issue is only available in pdf format. This is a technical article of 28 pages. Includes more than 123 high res pictures. > Here
Esta edición especial está sólo disponible en formato pdf. Esta es una nota técnica de 28 páginas. Incluye más de 123 imágenes de alta resolución. > Aquí