Airplanes / Review

Skyhawk A-4C

Hasegawa 1/48 - PT22

by Pablo Scordo

As it was expected, the A4 family is growing. In this case with the birth of the A4C.

The excellent artbox of this kit is really a good start for any modeler, who will certainly not be disappointed by the contents of the box. On the August issue of Modelers Site I published a review on the Skyhawk A-4E/F, for which reason I will just describe this time all changes introduced to this new "C" version.

Skyhawk A-4E/F review >Here   

They are as follows...

Front section of the fuselage with crisp details


Air jet intakes


Nose cast as a separate part (unlike the A 4E/F), for which reason the release of a "B" version is highly probable.

The rest of the parts are equal to those of the E/F. Consequently, you will find that some parts or details are kind of a hybrid C/E-F model, like:

Instrumental panel (part D-2)


Forward undercarriage bay.


Forward undercarriage bay cover

Although it is easy to modify these parts, I think that Hasegawa could adjust them in order to obtain a real A-4C in all aspects.

The decals for two squadrons have a very good register and density color. All badges and logos with a gold background, corresponding to the VA-15 Valions Squadron, are really excellent. Maybe the only drawback of the decals is their thick carrier film.

Mvc-744f.jpg (89472 bytes)
Mvc-745f.jpg (99675 bytes)
Mvc-746f.jpg (95231 bytes)
Mvc-752f.jpg (93121 bytes)

Decals.jpg (151544 bytes)

Mvc-754f.jpg (96819 bytes)


The A4C version is so good as the one previously reviewed, they basically share 90% of their component parts.

In spite of the above mentioned errors already noted, the level of detailing is really very good, being a very good model for superdetailing. Beginners will have no problems with the construction of this model if they overcome the first impression caused by the quantity of parts of the kit.

Very soon, in a new article, I will explain how to modify and/or correct details in order to build an A4C of the Argentine Air Force and, if possible, I will try and clarify the confusion on the upper surface colors of the camouflage.