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Argentine Super Etendard

by  Rogelio Benites

The kit

To me, the best Etendard 1/72 kit ever released is the Academy one. It came with 62 plastic injected medium gray parts with a fair amount of details and recessed panels. Today you can buy Academy Super Etendard part number 1602 for about $ 7.00 but you wont get decals for the Argentinean version, which is out of production.
The Argentinean version is a rare, hard to find kit who sales for about $20 bucks. The solution is to buy the super scale decals 720459 also discontinued but not that hard to find.

Manufacturer: Academy
Scale: 1:72
Type: injection molded plastic
Parts: 62
Kit Decal options: Argentinean & French Navy
Decal option: Super Scale Decal # 720459


It came without detail, but having the Super Etendard the same basic instrument panel as the mirage III and the early Kfir C2, you may reproduce them out of the instrument decals provide on the Hasegawa Kfir kit (if you or a friend have it). Get a 3M-transparency film PP2200 (easy to find on any office supply store) and using a copy machine reproduce them as many times you want. The result may surprise you; now have a nice set of instrument panels. For depth and contrast purposes, paint the back of the transparency before attaching it to the model. You can use the same technique with some photo etch parts too!
The seat is pretty basic so you may want to use a detail resin ejection seat that will improve the look of the cockpit.


Piece of cake, fitting is excellent, you won’t need to use putty or sanding, just a little on the wings-fuselage fitting.

Colour options

Simple and easy, sea blue gray on top and white below.


I was lucky to have the original Academy Argentinean version. They are thick and hard but manageable with the use of microsol decal set.


Another historic subject who hit the British carrier Invincible and sunk the Atlantic Conveyor using the Exocet missile.


Got to have it, buy one now!


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