
Ultimate guide to super detailing the Tamiya Yamaha YZF-R1M #14133 step by step, 1/12 scale

by Ricardo Gonzalez © Modeler Site

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When I saw this Tamiya kit, I felt like I could do something special by adding aftermarket detail sets and doing a bit of scratch-building. My goal in writing this tutorial is to share with the reader the work I've done, not only in assembling and super-detailing the model but also in showcasing a customization by changing the look proposed by Tamiya.


For me, Yamaha is an iconic brand. I have owned motorcycles from that brand and have always had a special appreciation for them. The R1 is a symbol in motorcycling, a bike that has been in the market for 25 years, with subsequent evolutions. With this 2018 model, Yamaha celebrated the 20th anniversary of the birth of the R1.

The kit and extra parts

I used the detail set from Hobby Design HD03-0546 and some parts from the Detail-up Set by Top Studio TD23219. I also added the wheel axles from T2M, which are for the Yamaha M1, but I modified them. I installed 0.35mm cables from T2M, hoses, screws, and nuts from Hobby Design and Top Studio.

The Front Fork set is from Tamiya #TAM-12684, and I made some scratch-built parts. For painting the body, I used the Bright Red color from Zero Paints #ZP-1003 and automotive clear coat from Dupont. For the overall painting of all the other parts of the motorcycle, I used Tamiya and MRP paints.


I really enjoyed building this model as it allowed me to achieve a high level of realism and accuracy. I carefully planned the accompanying text to showcase the work done, complementing the images with explanatory captions.

The kit's presentation

The engine

Tamiya engine parts



I drilled the screw holes for securing the exhaust pipes, and then I installed metal screws from Top Studio.



Here we have the metal screws presented to verify the proper fit


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