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Detailing a Douglas F4D-1 Skyray "Ford", 1/48 scale

Part II

by  Gustavo Nuñez © 2001 Modeler Site

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Landing Gears

Under wings

The landing gear bays were modified in shape and size and made new bottom and side parts. I discarded the original oleos for the main landing gears and made new ones. The kit provides detailing on one side only, so I had to complete the rest of the sides, elongating them in the inner parts. I added all the hoses, and modified the assembly adding the moving structures, springs, wiring, and tire brakes (the one in the kit has no details).

I also scratch built the retracting scissors, they are solid in the kit. 

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Nose Wheel

I added all the details to the front bay, such as hoses, wiring, and actuators. As for the oleo I added the metallic shock absorber, the pivot structure as well as the regulation system for the steering mechanism over the wheel. The shock absorber scissors was replaced with a scratch built one. The landing gear covers provided in the kit are adequate in size and shape, but I hollowed them like in the real plane. I also added the actuators and hooks as well as the wiring for the nose gear light (picture 12). The tail shock absorber was installed in the lower position, so I had to add the detailing to the inner parts, as well as the metallic actuator. I also drilled the aft part of the landing hook and gave it the adequate shape.

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I hollowed the rear part of the fuel tanks and added the soldering seams, they come engraved in the kit while they are raised in the real ones. I modified the pylons by eliminating the original fixing points and adding some detailing in the lower parts, as well as the load regulation system.

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I also added an "L" shaped reinforcement to the tank supports, which came in the version I chose to build. Pictures show that pylons are in a vertical position, while the supports for the tanks are perpendicular to the wins surface. I also addes the pitot tube and the side sensors for the radar. The takeoff hooks, fixed to the fuselage, have no details on their sides, so I detailed them according to my reference pictures.


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I applied the classical "light gull gray" (FS 36440) color scheme, with the white underside, I used Model Master for the gray color and Humbrol for the white.
The anti glare panels and the walk ways, were painted in dark gull gray, mixed with a little bit of white.
I weathered everything with oils, pastels, pencils, and inks. Specially for the oil leaks and smears in the lower parts of the plane, as well as the "steps" (specially in the front part of the walk ways, and the upper parts of the disposable fuel tanks).


As I said before, I used two sets of Cutting Edge decals, #48092 for all the data, and #48089 for the version I chose. I didn't use the kit decals for the anti glare panel and the walk ways, because I considered them inadequate in chape and color, so I discarded them and painted over the model. Ditto for the red edge at the intakes.
I had to adjust the circles and radome to the shape, because de Tamiya ones didn't coincide.
I had to use the same procedure for the red and white checker design, I had to modify the size and position for them to adjust to the different moving parts they cover.


This was one of the most ambitious projects I ever had, because of the detailing level I achieved, but I think it was worth every moment I dedicated to it because of the beauty of this flying machine, which undoubtedly was a pride for the US Navy Air Force, and so it is for my personal collection. I worked in this model for a year; I can't remember how many hours I've put into this model, but according to my 3-5 hours a week schedule, I suppose I've invested more than 250 hours!




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