Cars |
Building rusted cars - VW 1966 - 1/24 scale |
by Denis R.S.Bomfim © Modeler Site |
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The rusted VW I started rummaging through my spare parts box to see what I could find since I didn’t want to use a new kit. I found a Tamiya 1966 Beetle body, but only the body, I went on rummaging, and also found a chassis from a Revell VW with the front, rear suspension and instrument panel...I already had half a car! Following with my search, a Karmann Ghia wheel appeared which I should have to copy in resin. Besides, I also found some wheels that could be useful. I still had to get the front trunk cover and engine cowling, I got in touch with some modelers, friends of mine, but with no luck, so I should have to scratchbuild them from plastic if I wanted them in my model. I decided I would build it without hood and trunk door but I should get reference pictures in order to be able to reproduce the interiors since would not be hidden such as the fuel tank, water and oil reservoirs, cables, radio, speedometer...etc you know. This note is offered in PDF format to be read or printed using Acrobat reader, contact our webmaster > Here Includes more than 31 pics, here we show only the text pages.
Esta Nota es ofrecida en formato PDF, el cual puede ser leído o impreso usando el Acrobat reader, contacte a nuestro webmaster > Aquí Incluye más de 31 imágenes, aquí solo mostramos las paginas de texto.
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