
Presentando el Enzo Ferrari - Semi-Assembled Premium Model – escala 1/12

por Mario Covalski © Modeler Site

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On 2005 Tamiya offered the Ferrari Enzo for their already built series. Although the models were offered like die-cast, just the motor, floor and other chassis parts were made of white metal, other parts were plastic and a gorgeous painted ABS body.


I obtained the model on 2010 in an auction at eBay for a ridiculous low price. I wanted the red but the low price immediately made the yellow as my favorite color.

My first impression, when I received the terrific packaging, was little disappointed. The engine and brakes were poor detailed and crude painted, although the carbon fiber texture, interior and fabric seat belts was well represented.

I decided to disassembled the model and for improving the details and panting in the engine and suspension areas. Of course it was not easy as I didn’t have the instruction manual the new plastic kit provides.

Comparing both, built and kit, the built has some advantages over the kit, the ABS is stronger and some areas as the door are beneficed for that. The painting job from Tamiya is outstanding, and to reproduce all the interior would be a hard work.



Besides the already built model has metal meshes for air inlets and outlets, more realistic than the PE the kit provides.
Obviously the kit will not have the weight and strength of the built version, but you will have a lot of room for detailing and improving. HobbyDesing offered two set with a lot of PE parts, I have both of them for my kit ( yes I have one for building) and I’m not sure all the PE would be necessary but there are so many that you can take advantage of them.


Here below the final result with the semi-die-cast model.

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