Volvo F12 6x4 1/24 scale


Author Erik Fontein


This is the Volvo F12 6x4 with a Effer crane and a Holmes 5ft wheel crane.

Some years ago I have bought two old Volvo kits (Italeri 751).They where in a bad condition and I was intended to use them models as donor kits to use the parts for other models.

Because one of the models was not painted and the cab was good enough to restore. Together with the parts of the second model I almost had an complete F12. The kits where disassembled and with the parts of the two kits I had enough to build a new one

I length the chassis and made a double drive boogie There for I used the two Volvo axels ans suspension from the spare box

The Effer crane came also out of the spare box but is was complete so could be mounted on the truck without restoring it.

The only thing what not came out of the spare box was the Holmes 5ft wheel crane. I have build it some years ago. During a vacation in Denmark I spotted an old truck with this crane. I took some photos and measurements. Late I have made a model of it.