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The best of 2024

By Modeler Site | 12.04.2024 12:02

Over the end of the year, we are offering a preview of the best tutorials we were proud to have during 2024. Enjoy them and happy new year.

Thirteen years online

By Mario Covalski | 04.01.2013 11:40

In April 2013 Modeler Site celebrate their 13th anniversary. Perhaps, this is not a special event for everybody, however, for those who, have been working very hard on this project for thirteen years to offer month after month high quality articles devoted to the construction of scale models… means an important accomplishment.

A new face…

By Modeler Site | 03.05.2013 11:06

After more than six years displaying the same layout on our English and Spanish menus, we’ve tried a major change by offering you a new design which we consider more proper for the visitor requirements who nowadays browses around the Internet. This new layout has been developed in a more comprehensive way, showing you more information, and trying to please more of you more of the time, so all your comments and suggestions will be welcome.

The modelling spirit

By Mario Covalski | 12.01.2010 11:27

In a world where prices seem so constantly to be rising it is source of considerable satisfaction to think just how much pleasure can be still obtained ridiculously cheaply by the modelmaker. A large proportion of all models that are made can be said to be the by-product of waste, being made almost entirely from unconsidered oddments that would otherwise have been thrown away.

How our hobby affects us

By Mario Covalski | 10.01.2009 11:25

When I was a child, probably motivated by some TV series; I often dreamed about a time tunnel where you could go back or forward in time. If this tunnel had existed and a person born in 1800, settled in one of our cities, living together in our environment, eating our food…and spending some time with our hobbies, he would have probably got seriously ill.

How much has Internet influenced modeling?

By Mario Covalski | 07.01.2009 11:22

In 1978 I discovered the 1/12 Tamiya Ferrari 312T, when I saw the box I stuck to the shop window wondering if it was a kit or a puzzle. Imagine my excitement when I viewed the box content, with sprues full of parts and details that seemed to be coming from a sci-fi novel, and though such an expense was not within my budget at that moment, I decided my purchase without hesitation. The following weeks, during my honeymoon with the kit, I built it using the best techniques I could: Testor spray cans and Humbrol with brush.

Are you a gifted person?

By Mario Covalski | 12.01.2008 11:04

I firmly believe that plastic modeling is an intellectual activity that requires certain artistic gifts, let’s say that at the time you are building a model, you’re an artist, and your work is precisely that…a work of art.

Go on buying... though… 

By Mario Covalski | 11.01.2008 11:01

During the last months, I started pondering, as I always use to, about how long life lasts, what we expect to do along it, how many projects do we intend to face that in general we don’t have much time to spend on. I would like to call your attention on a fact I believe use to happen to all modelers, our collection of boxes.

Have you thought about the reasons…?

By Mario Covalski | 10.01.2008 10:58

Have you thought about the reasons why you build scale models?. I’ve been asking this to myself since some time, and this month I wish to share with you my thinking.

Speaking about paints: Is the brand important?

By Mario Covalski | 09.01.2008 10:50

A conversation with a friend and close contributor, made me think about a subject rarely tackled in the notes published in our magazine, the brands of paints (or their manufacturers).

Just for fun!

By Mario Covalski | 08.01.2008 10:48

During the last weeks, I built some 1/12 motorcycles just for fun and to write some articles. It has been quite long now that I have been receiving e-mails asking when we would be publishing more articles on motorcycles. Unfortunately we do not receive enough articles from the people who build them; so, I decided to go to the mountain… given that the mountain would not come to me.

The best model of my life..

By Mario Covalski | 06.01.2008 10:45

It's quite possible that those who have been building models for years, know very well what I'm going to talk about. For newcomers, perhaps, it will be something curious and many of them will find out that they have been thinking about this, lately.

So little but so much….

By Mario Covalski | 04.01.2008 10:38

When I think about all I’ve been going through during the last years with regard to modeling, it brings back to my memory 1986, when at a magazines store, I saw for the first time, a popular modeling magazine which had started to be issued in those days.

Are we destined to become just collectors?

By Mario Covalski | 03.01.2008 10:35

Talking with some friends, modelers of course, we were discussing/chatting about the difficulties magazines and all web sites devoted to this activity, have today to get good articles. This is something that affects us obviously, so we started to reflect on this matter, the conclusion we reached was that nowadays, modelers don’t spend much of their time on building scale models.

The best models

By Mario Covalski | 02.01.2008 10:32

This editorial is specially devoted to newcomers to this activity; of course if you are an experienced modeler, perhaps you may agree or not with it, but it's quite clear that I'm not writing this thinking on advanced modelers. It's more than obvious and I will not list the possibilities modern technology offers nowadays to modelers, and if you've arrived to static modeling about 5 years ago, you'll find as usual the etched sets, resin detail parts, dozens of decal sheets for different versions of the same kit, etc.

To see or not to see...

By Mario Covalski | 01.01.2008 10:29

Until 1997, I had never worn eyeglasses, my vision was almost perfect and being a teenager, I was very proud of it. After my four-0 birthday, I had to face a common problem people over 40 suffer. It's called "presbyopia". The crystalline lens is less able to focus on close objects.

A hobby or a vocation?

By Mario Covalski | 12.01.2007 10:27

Looking through my old editorials, trying to decide which topic to deal with this month, the idea suddenly came to me. In fact, it was there since time ago, but as usual, human beings can’t see the wood though being inside.

What level of historical truthfulness do you want for your models?

By Mario Covalski | 11.01.2007 10:23

In the editorial of September 2007, I wrote about model detailing, focusing on how many details should be added to our models and my point of view on the topic. This time, I would like to call the attention of the patient readers of my editorials on another relevant issue within our hobby: the model's historical truthfulness or accuracy.

Just for beginners

By Mario Covalski | 10.01.2007 11:52

Every month, Modeler Site has an editorial note as part of its contents. Editorials are the way for us the publishers of MS to express our ideas and opinions about certain modeling subjects. At this point, I must say that literature and writing is not one of my strong points, but I've been reading magazines, books, and almost all kinds of publications dealing with my likes, since I was very young. I'm saying this because, for what I know, editorials, signed or "anonymous", are not compromised with any idea, except when there is a political intention.

How much detailing do you want for your models? Part II

By Mario Covalski | 09.01.2007 15:25

This month I would like to come back to a key subject in today's modeling, at least this is my feeling and it's what happens to me. How much detailing do we add to our models …. And what do we wish to achieve?

Decalogue of the good modeler

By Mario Covalski | 08.01.2007 15:17

Ever since the man gathered into social groups, a huge number of rules were established to indicate how to do things the right way. According to those rules, an individual is good, honest, healthy, happy…or not.

How much detailing do you want for your models?

By Mario Covalski | 07.01.2007 15:15

In the past editorial, I spoke about modelling as a creative process, explaining then, my way of thinking. Now I want to come back with a new reflection, about what superdetailing represents for me, and about the pressure it means to modelers.
I want to emphasize that I understand that it's not the same superdetail an aircraft model, car, armor...etc, and of course, scale is also an important fact, so I'll concentrate on cars subjects, that is what I best know about.

Modeling, art or science?

By Mario Covalski | 06.01.2007 15:11

I think that human beings are subjective by nature, and speaking in terms of tastes, everything we like, may not be objectively, the best or most proper. I could give hundreds of examples from cigarettes, clothes…and so on.

Advanced modeler Syndrome

By Mario Covalski | 05.01.2007 15:07

A couple of weeks ago, talking to a modeler, he told me that he was suffering from something that English- speaking modelers call AMS (advanced modeler syndrome); a kind of obsession that leads them to count even the rivets of each model to check if the number (and shape, of course) match to the real thing.

The cost of abundance

By Mario Covalski | 03.01.2007 15:03

Around the end of January, I was talking about modeling with a friend of mine, owner of a small business of resin kits. It was a pleasant chat about models, projects, etc, steering to the little time we have to spend on building models, when suddenly he asked me a question and both of us were stunned…”¿When did you last purchase a kit, arrive home and start building it?”

Why choosing a certain scale?

By Mario Covalski | 01.01.2007 12:12

For the last 20 years, I’ve read countless articles, editorials…etc about the scales, Which is the best one?, which is the best for us?; etc; most of the notes I read were technical ones, explaining how and the reason of each scale, pros and cons; etc.

A more valuable place than our showcase

By Mario Covalski | 11.01.2006 11:53

The collector got nearer the shop window, took a quick glance and gazed at something, the thing is, that after so many years of “hunting” the prey, he got used to finding among many items, the one that would awake his interest that day.

The short life of a model

By Mario Covalski | 10.01.2006 11:49

Is there anything more wonderful than a shrink- wrapped kit in box?. I sincerely believe that anybody who has built scale models some time in his/her life, will agree with me, that no, there is nothing more exciting and captivating. The thing is that the box content, has quite a special power on us, the power of dreams, probably, everything we wished to accomplish in modeling (and why not, in life)…and it remains there hidden, but with the hope that our libido will not be unsatisfied.

No matter the subject

By Mario Covalski | 08.01.2006 11:36

Have you been building scale models for a long time?, Did you use to work on the same subjects?, Were you bored on one occasion? Were there times when you’ve not built models even when you had the feeling to do so? If you have a positive answer to most of these questions, this Editorial is to you.

Returning to the sources

By Mario Covalski | 07.01.2006 10:57

In spite of the fact that many years passed since I built my first scale model, I still wonder which is the meaning of building them, even more, what modeling as a whole, means.

Internet today....

By Mario Covalski | 06.01.2006 10:54

I’ve been surfing the Web since about 12 years ago, and during the last 10 ones, I could see several sites devoted to plastic modeling turning up. At first, they were either simple text pages, or forums that no longer exist, and of course, by that time, all those online shops were already set up outside the Internet, and just out of curiosity or by making a lucky guess, they were set up as e-commerce shops.

Plastic versus diecast

By Mario Covalski | 04.01.2006 10:49

This month’s editorial is going to be focused on two subjects: our sixth anniversary and a short analysis of a phenomenon that has been increasing on and on, during the past years….the diecast models.

Modeling in the Internet

By Mario Covalski | 03.01.2006 10:45

Sometimes, I wonder if it’s really necessary to write a monthly editorial, I’m not discussing if this is usual or if matches within a magazine’s circle, even a virtual one. The editorial expresses the ideology of the one who leads the media, thus my editorials should express our ideology as a magazine about modeling, and, if you read our previous editorials, you’ll find out our thoughts with respect to plastic modeling and other activities around it.

Professional modelers

By Mario Covalski | 02.01.2006 10:41

The world of scale models, is, in certain aspects confusing and there are different points of view. Here, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This month, I want to refer to professional modelers, hoping that my opinion, may throw some light on the topic, especially for the newcomers… or at least, to start a serious discussion.

Modeling in the XXI century

By Mario Covalski | 01.01.2006 10:36

When you purchase a DVD player, you become the final consumer of that product, that’s your role. When speaking about modeling, things are quite different, the final consumer, plays at times, a different role, he himself develops the product (and this is the way some manufacturers started), the modeler is who builds the model and writes the techniques notes for others more inexperienced, etc. That’s to say the consumer is part of the whole machinery that sets modeling in motion and quite in an active way. I personally can’t imagine the activity in a different way.

Let’s capture the teenagers’ attention

By Mario Covalski | 12.01.2005 10:16

Everybody knows that modeling has turned into a specialized activity, and we’ve already tackled this topic in previous editorials. If you, my friend use to build aircrafts….don’t draw closer to the group of those devoted to armored vehicles…this is well known, it’s not a question that you’ll not be welcomed; in point of fact, in the clubs all disciplines coexist, but every group speak their own language using different codes, words, a great many own ways of communication.

Sharing our experiences

By Mario Covalski | 09.01.2005 10:13

Building a model means an arduous task, either for beginners or advanced modelers. Some will pour out hours and hours of work on detailing, painting…etc, for others, the matter will be just to find out and be able to use the respective techniques successfully.

The twilight zone

By Mario Covalski | 07.01.2005 10:09

Several years ago, someone connected with the plastic modeling industry made me a comment, saying that internet was a twilight zone…and although, in those days, I partly agreed with him, actually, I was not fully convinced about that reality as today, after having been Modeler Site’s editor for five years.

Perfection in modelling

By Mario Covalski | 05.01.2005 10:04

Who dares to state this is not the best mankind technological time ever known?. In my opinion, the scientific advances and the leading-edge technology along the last 35 years, are by far, more important than those ones reached during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. And the increase of this tendency has turned much more evident during these years of the 21st century.

Buying through the Internet

By Mario Covalski | 03.01.2005 10:00

Perhaps, one of the most exciting moments of every modeling project, is the purchasing time. Searching for the kit the modeler is eager to get, sometimes discontinued, he turns into an actual hunter, developing a special and good instinct to find that item he’s looking for and at low price. Some modelers, either owing to lack of time or any other reason, don’t go beyond this stage which turns into a hobby in itself.

A long view about Modeling

By Mario Covalski | 02.01.2005 09:55

Perhaps, some assiduous Modeler Site readers have been very surprised at reading our current cover article, and I think It’s a good opportunity to deal with a topic which had never been tackled in our editorials, the specialization in our hobby.

What kind of articles would you like to see in Modeler Site?

By Mario Covalski | 01.01.2005 12:00

Perhaps many readers know, and probably many others may not have heard that a couple of months ago we’ve started a Yahoo group to make a link of communications among you and Modeler Site’s editors. Owing to the problems posed by the spam, there’s no safe and/or legal mailing, they’re all under suspicion and luckily, Yahoo offers an effective media which is recognized as legal by most of the ISP around the world.

The different shades of one same thing ...

By Mario Covalski | 09.01.2004 10:46

This month’s cover note is about a Protar kit, the uncommon, difficult, and expensive (if you can get one) 1/12 scale McLaren MP4/ 2, and the note is by our good friend and collaborator Dan Parrat.

Will there be anybody in future to fulfill our dreams?

By Mario Covalski | 07.01.2004 12:38

I was thinking a few days ago, about the strange situations posed by modeling in our days. When I was very young, it was difficult to find a great variety of models; in those days, I used to build airplanes in 1/48 scale from Monogram, and 1/72 scale from Airfix. If I wanted something real luxurious I had to choose Nichimo, although they were more expensive and difficult to find.

What does the result mind?

By Mario Covalski | 06.01.2004 12:30

After a two months break without sitting down at my workbench as I was exceedingly busy writing a couple of articles, I turned my hand to my models, as I’ve been doing just without interruptions for the last 44 years.

Leaving our 4th year behind...

By Mario Covalski | 04.01.2004 12:22

Four years ago, late in summer during a hot southern March, the idea to bring to light and manage a virtual modeling magazine was born. Although the intention wasn’t innovating, it implied the creation of a web site in a magazine format, as a mean of communication among hobbyists, and the updates were actually new issues.

New generations…..new modelers

By Mario Covalski | 03.01.2004 12:17

Since several weeks ago, an idea has been striking my mind over and over: What did I do in behalf of modeling?. Well, I could adduce that Modeler Site is in fact, a contribution, with the articles we usually publish…and so forth. However, as it happens to any modeller, manufacturer or retailer, I’ve received much from this activity, and here, I’m considering all the time devoted to this hobby.

Third Anniversary

By Mario Covalski | 04.01.2003 11:24

I feel it is much more difficult to write an editorial than an article on a model. There are so many ideas I would like to share with you but there is such a little space… Since readers of an editorial expect a great idea to be developed in a nutshell, the writer should feel passionate and convinced about it in order to be crystal clear and effective.

The masters

By Mario Covalski | 12.01.2002 10:39

Dear Friends, this is the last editorial for 2002... Another year has quickly gone by while learning and sharing our know-how on our hobby. This month I would like to focus on a topic of my personal concern, both as an editor and as a member of the modelers' world: the "Masters".

Two years on line...

By Mario Covalski | 04.01.2002 20:31

To loving memory of my father Luis, who taught me the value of the honesty and the honor word. Thanks to help me, before... and even now.

If you are now reading this article, you have already seen our cover and know that Modeler Site is celebrating its second anniversary.
As the creator of Modeler Site, I have so many feelings I would like to share with you that this article would not be enough …. And besides, who wants to endure a long speech? Therefore, I will not extend the suffering of those people who decided to read this editorial.

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By Martin Klein

Building and improving the Honda RC166 GP Racer: a step by step for novices - Tamiya 1/12 scale The Honda RC166 is the first historical racing bike of the 60’s that Tamiya ever made. This era of racing was full of technical innovations and so the RC166 is a 250cc 6 cylinder 4 stroke engine with 4 valves per cylinder and double overhead camshafts.

By Antonio Busciglio

Superdetailing the Tamiya Honda NSR500 1984 – 1/12 scale This article is about the assembly and detailing of the Tamiya Honda NSR500 from 1984, using the awesome Hobby Design detail set and other aftermarket stuff, such as rivets, bolts heads and so on. The model is a recent release from Tamiya, and the detail of the kit is astonishing. Given the very peculiar characteristic of this motorcycle, as the fuel tank placed below the engine, and the exhausts infront of the driver’s chest, I decided to show the cowling not placed on the chassis.

By Michael Capell

Building the Wingnuts Wings Albatros D.V #32009 - 1/32 scale If I had to choose my favorite aircraft from the WW1 era, it would have to the Albatros D.V. For me it has a certain character and design which makes it stand out from the crowd. Add the four different colour schemes included , with more on the way, makes it a must buy for the discerning modeller.

By David Guardia

Building the Bronco M-24 Chaffee 35069 1/35 scale My dear friend, J.J Aos, who is himself an encyclopedia, gave me all the necessary information to place it in Pakistan. Although it is common to find pictures of Chaffles of late production, the early ones were also seen, included in the last Pakistan's 1971 conflict with India. Of course, exactly when I finished my model painting, Bronco Models offer the final release, Have you heard of Murphy’s law…?

By Allon Kira

Building the Tamiya Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero 1/48 scale The model is characterized by a good level of details and an excellent level of accuracy. The build was done without any special issues. I assembled it directly out of the box except for two minor additions: Eduard WWII seat belts for Japanese aircraft and Eduard canopy mask for A6M3 – EUEX318, although the kit included canopy masks, but I was not aware of the matter when ordering the kit.

By Edwing E. Merlo Paredes

Customizing the Tamiya Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 #24188 1/24 scale In the racing car world, Alfa Romeo is one of the most legendary and mythical Italian name, and each of its vehicles is synonymous with beauty, style, and racing. Precisely, the Giulia Sprint GTA, is the version which this tutorial is dedicated to. A road car, with sporty and personalized characteristics. This is the kind of car that can be found in various classic vehicle activities today.

By Matej Paluda

Defender of Stalingrad or how to make winter camouflage Tamiya 1/35 scale To build this model, I used the old Tamiya´s T-34/76, 1943 kit. Although its moulds are from the eighties of 20th century, it is still good and with nice detailing. This article is intended for newcomers to armor modelling showing how to make a winter camouflage.

By Edwing E. Merlo Paredes

Building the VW 1300 Beetle 1963 - Herbie - Tamiya 1/24 scale The Volkswagen Beetle is undoubtedly one of the most popular cars in all the history. The attractive and singular body’s shape has turned it into an icon in our recent history. At the end of the 60s, Disney Studios decide to immortalize the small car taking it to the cinema screen in Herbie, a movie in which this beetle played a central role and five sequences came later. The first movie The Love Bug which was known in Spain as Ahí va ese Bólido, was premiered in 1969.

By David Guardia

Building the Bandai Star Wars AT-ST 1/48 scale The idea of assembling and painting this model was swirling around in my head since some time ago. It’s one of the vehicles of the saga I like best and besides, Bandai, the brand that introduced it on the market, is a very recognized one for manufacturing excellent models with “snap” perfect fit without the need of glue and highly detailed.

By Pablo Raggi

Improving the ZIL-157 – Trumpeter #1001 1/35 scale The Zil 157 is par excellence perhaps, a general purpose cargo truck and troops transport and for its performance it also served as the tractor for the SA-2 missiles. Although its production stopped many decades ago, still it can be seen in several countries. One of the users of this truck was Egypt and this is the version I decided to do.

By Fabrice Marechal

Building the Porsche Turbo RSR 934 Jagermeister – Tamiya #24328 1/24 scale It was in 1978 when I saw for the first time, the Tamiya Porsche 934 at a hobby shop. Though, the 1/12 model was built straight from the box and without paint, the details seemed to be surrealist and impossible to imagine up to that moment. It was my first approach to that Tamiya kit in 1/12 scale. Perhaps, with the aim of re releasing that success, several years ago Tamiya manufactured the same car, winner of so many championships, but in 1/24 (the most popular scale) which is the subject of this article that aims at helping the less experienced modeler to build the new Tamiya Porsche.

By Edwing E. Merlo Paredes

Building the Fujimi Mazda RX7 Greddy 9 - 1/24 scale On several occasions, when surfing around HLJ, I saw the Greedy 9 on sale. To be honest, the tuning aspect of the art box showing this magnificent green Mazda RX-7, tempted me more than once, but it didn’t get me very excited cause in the short description of the kit, I realized that this is one of those models which doesn’t feature a detailed engine, and this is exactly, what I like, to get detailed engines. But, in the end, that tempting picture of the box really convinced me, thus I ordered it.

By Pablo Raggi

GAZ 66, building it as a tactical truck Revell #03051, 1/35 scale Since time ago, I’ve been thinking to add a wheeled vehicle to my Middle East vehicles collection. Looking for an interesting kit, I found the Revell Gaz-66 (ref.03051), which is also marketed by Eastern Express. However, after investigating, I realized that there were just a few versions to accomplish Quite apart from the soviet green, there was not much to play.

By Fabrice Marechal

Building the Tamiya Mercedes 300SL #24338 1/24 scale Looking at the photos of a real 300SL body, we find out Tamiya have made an excellent work. However, it’s possible to go even further and give the body of this Mercedes an additional touch of realism. Regarding the chassis Tamiya also made a hard work with the tubular frame, very realistic indeed! besides of being quite simple to assemble. The engine and cockpit are not far behind. To paint this marvel, I chose silver that is unavoidable for this beauty. So, the aim of this article is to share with the reader the building, painting and weathering process of some parts, in such a way that they can be reproduced by a modeller with a minimum of experience.

By Christian Franke

Building the Lancia Stratos HF Rally #4 Pirelli 1978 San Remo - Doyusha 1/12 scale Doyusha offered both in the 90s and later only the Monte Carlo’s, making finally the San Remo Rally with the Pirelli team livery. I’ve been trying to get this kit but it’s discontinued although still it’s possible to find it from some online stores/shops and on ebay. I bought one that had been partially built, which involves double work, missing parts, etc.  This article aims at sharing with pictures the experience to rescue and old odd kit, improving it to the best of my skills.  

By Mario Covalski

Building the Tamiya Brabham BT44 a step by step for newcomers 1/12 scale Among the articles I had in mind to write about, there was one that headed my list, and without any doubt, It was about the Brabham BT44. By the end of my youth, I saw this beautiful, simple and successful car, running in Buenos Aires, driven by Carlos Reutemann, one of the most expert F1 drivers of the last 30 years. The purpose of this note is to show simple guidelines following the instruction manual steps, recommending some details that can be applied to improve even more the original Tamiya kit.