The Fw190D9, was born according to the Luftwaffe requirement to Messerschmitt and Focke Wulf for a fighter that could fly to 24000 feet (high and low altitude activity). In 1942 both companies showed their projects, Kurt Tank's (Designer of the Focke Wulf Fw 190A) won the competition, presenting the Ta 152, propelled by an in line engine.
Since this airplane tests were not satisfactory, the Luftwaffe compelled the companies to solve at once these troubles, For that reason in 1943 Focke Wulf arrived to a quick solution; this was to convert Fw 190A8/9 airframe. The work consisted on narrowing and lengthening the fuselage as well as to replace the motor for a Jumo 213A, this new version was named Fw 190D9.
After testing the prototypes during the first months of 1944, the Luftwaffe gave her approval to begin with the airplanes building. In August the first airplanes came out, which were sent to the combat units. The pilots opinion was not completely good, but Kurt Tank explained that this was a quick solution until the Ta152 would be developed. But as the pilots flew the Dora, they could appreciate this airplane good characteristics. It is necessary to highlight that this airplane was a great opponent for the allied pilots.
The model
The model here shown corresponds to the one offered by Hasegawa, in 1/72 scale. When we opened the box we find very good quality dark grey sprue with recessed panel lines, making from this an exquisite model for any modeler. The instruction manual: These are easy to be followed, you will not have troubles with the different building steps.
They are of very good quality, the only thing to mention is that the support layer is a bit thick, you may use decal set solution as "Micro Sol" and "Micro Set" or other brand to achieve a good job.
Building the kit
Checking the Squadron FW-190D9 Walk Around, the model is in scale. I want to to mention the importance of these useful books to look for information when building a scale model.
I began the building with the cockpit which has poor details, I scratch built, using plastic sheet, the instrument panel, the lateral consoles, the throttle and the wheel (white) for the canopy opening and closing. Once this task was completed I painted the indoors with RLM 75 he/of AeroMaster (grauviolet), giving small retouches with "dry brush" to stand out the instrument panel details. Since my model was built out of box, I went on joining both fuselage halves once it was dried I glued the wings, ready to correct any
imperfection on the assembly.
After applying putty and sanding where necessary, I glued the motor and cowl to the fuselage, ready for painting. Before begin to paint is advisable to wash thoroughly the model with a brush of very soft sows, to remove dust and hand grease, and to leave in this way a completely flat clean surface.
I selected a paint scheme of 3 tones, the upside of the wings in RLM 75 Grauviolet (Fs 36122), and RLM 82 Dunkelgrun (Fs34128). The fuselage in RLM 76 Lichtblau (Fs 36473), on middle area from the motor to the tail, and finishing on the upside of the fuselage with the RLM 82 Dunkelgrun and RLM 75 Grauviolet and. The lowest area was decorated with RLM 21 White, and the RLM 23 Red.
Finished the painting job, the selected badges were placed and I proceeded to waste the model. I made different types of washes using well diluted black ink, then highlighted the panel edges with a 0,5 mm pencil, and applied dry brush on some areas, as example above the cowling, where the machine guns are. Once the whole work has been finished I applied to it a very light layer of dull varnish, to protect in this way the paint, the waste job and decals. To conclude a very special detail, the guns placed in the wings were made of small pieces of hypodermic needles giving them a more real appearance.