
Ricardo Dacoba's portfolio

by  Mario Covalski


Ricardo Dacoba, is an Argentine artist, he is 31 years old. His passion and activity are the art design, but he still has time to spend on building and taking photos of scale models creating, beautiful pictures. 

Here you can appreciate some of his jobs ( more than 1000), and in future editions we'll see some of them in detail.

Ar E555 / Revell 1:72
Ar E 555 revell 172 1.jpg (98456 bytes) Ar E 555 revell 172 4.jpg (74358 bytes) Ar E555 revell 172 5.jpg (65230 bytes)
  Ar E555 revell 172 6.jpg (59737 bytes)  
BV 155 / Arba 1:48
BV155 148 Arba 1.jpg (60353 bytes) BV 155 Arba 148 8.jpg (56612 bytes) BV 155 Arba 148 3.jpg (59436 bytes)
  BV 155 Arba 148 7.jpg (49078 bytes)  
Me 109 Hatmann / Hasegawa 1:48
Me 109 Hartmann hasegawa 148 7.jpg (66541 bytes) Me 109 Hartmann  Hasegawa148 10.jpg (67001 bytes) Me 109 Hartmann hasegawa 148 4.jpg (57946 bytes)
Me 109 Marseille / Hasegawa 1:48
Me 109 Marseille Hasegawa 148 2.jpg (73041 bytes) Me 109 Marseille Hasegawa 148 3.jpg (81466 bytes) Me 109 Marseille hasegawa 148 5.jpg (82442 bytes)
Me 1099 / Revell 1:72
Me 1099 revell 172 2.jpg (43157 bytes) Me 1099 revell 172 3.jpg (71219 bytes) Me 1099 revell 172 5.jpg (55256 bytes)
Me 262 bomber Trimaster 148 1.jpg (68244 bytes) Me 262 Nachtjäger Trimaster 148 2.jpg (67901 bytes) Me 262 Nachtjäger Trimaster 148 4.jpg (52006 bytes)

Me 262 Bomber

Trimaster 1:48

Me 262 Nachjager Trimaster 1:48
Me 262 Nachtjäger Monogram Arba 148 3.jpg (52907 bytes) Me 262A1aU4  Bomber interceptor DML 148 6.jpg (75906 bytes) Me 262B 1a U1 DML 148 5.jpg (61055 bytes)

Me 262 Nachjager

Monogram/Arba 1:48

Me 262A1aU4

Bomber Interceptor

DML 1:48

Me 262B 1a U1

DML 1:48

Me p1099 heavy armour revell 172 1.jpg (68435 bytes) Me P1099 revell 172  4.jpg (63188 bytes) Me262 Reconnaissance revell 172 7.jpg (52623 bytes)

Me p1099 Heavy Armoured

Revell 1:72

Me P1099

Revell 1:72

Me 262 Reconnaissance

Revell 1:72

Ta 183.jpg (85441 bytes)   TA183 172 revell .jpg (97976 bytes)
TA183 / Revell 1:72
Painting a Stearman, using acrylics
1stearman desar.jpg (150721 bytes) 2stearman desar .jpg (151282 bytes) 3stearman desar.jpg (109827 bytes)
4stearman desar .jpg (146329 bytes) 5stearman desar.jpg (171708 bytes) 6stearman.jpg (299314 bytes)