Formula one/Reference

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Ferrari F2001 Vodafone 

by Antonio Franco © Modeler Site


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This car is, particularly, a strange hybrid, as it never competed exactly as it's shown here. This car is the F2001 but with the sponsors and color scheme from the F2002. In 2002 GP of Australia and Malaysia, Ferrari really used the F2001, but with Marlboro markings, not present in this version.

(I will take as color reference the Tamiya color codes, since they are very used).

One of the most important points to highlight is the body color. The color isn't correctly shown in photos or videos. Why?, because it's fluorescent red! The true Ferrari's red doesn't match neither with the color that Tamiya states in the instruction manual (TS-49), nor with the one used by Hot wheels for their replicas. The actual car is painted with a colour like TS-36, yes, the same color used for the McLaren of Senna.

All screws around the car are Allen type, so in the model they should be PE, without being polished. Unfortunately the car didn't have the original steering wheel, in spite of it, they used a rounded one from early of 90's.

Here below, I will add some personal comments.

Contrary to the kit, the real car has the complete upper wing. Besides the two supports of the nose are cut following an "U" shape (under the Italian flag) with a single screw (not two) just above the union.

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The small "winglets", inside and out of the endplates, are so thin that the carbon fiber texture can be appreciated through the paint. Note the position of the screws.

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I love this photo, it shows something that amazed me. The main wing and the endplates are molded in a single part! Also here can be perfectly appreciated the joint between the secondary wing and the endplate.

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As usual, Ferrari uses a badge similar to the stock Ferraris. Metallic with acrylic covering.

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In spite of the excellent work of Model Plus, recreating these cars in 1/12 scale, the lack of support from Ferrari made it difficult to make some details. In this photo you can see the texture of the suspension arms (all of them have the same texture). I recommend to use "Carbon Kevlar Black on Amber" for 1/20 scale cars, that's the real look for the suspension.

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Between the bottom triangle there is a hump that doesn't appears in Tamiya's model.

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The wheels didn't have the lock of the nut, something I guess important. Here it could be seen a bar code sticker. As usual, the nuts aren't perfectly painted. The waste can be seen in the four wheels.

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I suppose that readers will find this photo very interesting. It shows a lot of details that we could add to our models:  brake fluid pipe, through the suspension upper arm, textures of the surfaces, suspension arms and rear wing support. The end of the exhausts can be appreciated gray, but it should be XF1 (I don't remember the color stated in Tamiya instructions, but surely they are matt).

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Vent duct of the rear brake disc and the blue line of the brake fluid.

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The diffuser used in the Grand prix didn't have the inferior part that encloses everything. It originally finishes just in the starter hole, in fact the joint can be seen.

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Exhausts exits. Personally, I was very interested in the real color of this part, and that was the reason to give it special attention. The color is XF1 with allen screws.

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All the wings are attached with gold nuts. So you will need to paint the photo etched ones. The interior of the endplate doesn't have carbon fiber texture, it's just X-18.

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