In 1966 the Argentine Air Force (FAA), received two Douglas HC-47A from USA, registered at first as TA-06 and TA-07. The prominent nose that these airplanes had, contained the first generation radar and the electronic associated to it. That equipment corresponded to the SAR version of the USAF.
These aircrafts changed their specialty during the '70, being rebaptized as TC-36 and TC-37.
The model shown here represents the TC-37.
Photos of the real airplane
The Kit
The model was built using a C-47 Sky Train 1/72 scale from ESCI, a simple but reliable model, but very well manufactured for that time (about 15 year ago).
The highlight to have in mind when building this mode, are the necessary modifications to adapt it to TC-37. They are the following: the modification of the nose, the relocation of the oil coolers, the building of an extra window, disc brakes and different antennas of that version.
The whole modifications were scratched built, using simple material and styrene sheet.
The nose was the more significant modification, since is the most visible part, its shape was achieved using epoxy putty. A lathe was used to modify the wheels, the brakes and tires pattern.
I used as reference several photos, the colors of this airplane were the ones used by the USAF in Vietnam. The model was painted using Tamiya's acrylic paints.
The decals are drawings which were photocopied, the badges were painted with airbrush.