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Raybrig NSX

Tamiya 1/24 scale

by Steve Desarzens


This kit is a Tamiya which means excellent quality. The kit was build from the box and that went trouble free. The engine and the cockpit were painted as recommended by Tamiya. Unfortunately there are not a lot of pictures of this car available on the web, and therefore no detail pictures were found !


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The body was painted using Tamyia's TS Raybrig Blue spray (TS-52). This paint was released especially for this model. Actually, the colour of the NSX Raybrig was a kind of purple-blue depending on the reflect of the light.


With this spray, Tamiya did not really reproduce this effect, but that doesn't really matter. First of all the body was sanded with 1000-2000 paper to remove the injection seams.

Then a first layer of paint was applied, once dried, the surface was sanded with 2000 paper in order to remove all the dust incrusted in the paint. After sanding, another coat was applied. This action was repeated 2 or 3 times until the finish was perfect.

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Then it was time to put the decals in place. This may seem complicated on this model, but they went on without any problems. The decals were cut out in order to keep only the red "Raybrig" and no transparent film. After all the decals are dry (24 hours at least), a coat of TS-14 clear coat was sprayed on the model for the final gloss finish.
In the end, it's a very original decoration on a wonderful car !!!

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