

Italian AMX


by  Reuben Saliba


These photos were taken at our last AIRSHOW which was held at  LUQA AIRPORT, MALTA on 23/24th September of this year. This airplane was painted this year and it had taken part in various airshows around Europe. I have taken some close-up shots of the plane so that anybody who wants to make the same color scheme may use them. The designer of this color scheme has a web site at

AMXgreyscheme1.jpg (80631 bytes) AMXgreyscheme2.jpg (74572 bytes) AMXgreyscheme3.jpg (72116 bytes) AMXgreyscheme4.jpg (63136 bytes)
AMXgreyscheme5.jpg (63038 bytes) AMXgreyscheme6.jpg (69998 bytes)
SBordgenVIEW.jpg (61622 bytes) SBORDrearfuse.jpg (64662 bytes) SBORDrearview.jpg (71798 bytes) SBORDtankgenview.jpg (71397 bytes)
PORTcockpit area.jpg (77509 bytes) cockpit.jpg (57721 bytes) emblemdetail.jpg (39293 bytes) SBORDtailview.jpg (41047 bytes)
Droptank detail2.jpg (60522 bytes) SBORDintake.jpg (39164 bytes) INDIANdet.jpg (101032 bytes) CAT&mouse detail.jpg (45154 bytes)
Jetpipedetail.jpg (39255 bytes) bottomrearview.jpg (59671 bytes) authordetail.jpg (48254 bytes) fwheelsideview.jpg (52314 bytes)
HEADUPview.jpg (47312 bytes) SBORDmainwheel.jpg (45920 bytes) frontwhelel&gun.jpg (45322 bytes)
INDIAN.jpg (62924 bytes) STORMO 2.jpg (63121 bytes) MAN&ARROW.jpg (24656 bytes)